Your dates should now be right-aligned correctly! With the cursor still in front of the “M” in “March 2016,” press the tab key on your keyboard. Once you have the correct inputs, click OK. While these leaders may work well when creating a table of contents for a report, for example, we’ll select None. The leader option allows you to insert a series of dots, dashes, or a line between the “Head of Customer Experience” title and the dates. This setting will ensure your text is flush right at the 7.5-inch mark where you place the tab. Select Right to make sure the text is aligned right, as shown in the blue circle. You may need to adjust your tab stop position depending on how big your margins are, however. In our example, the right-most position falls at 7.5 inches (see green circle below), so we input 7.5 (as shown in the red circle). The tab stop position tells Word where you want text aligned on the page. Once you have the Tabs window open, you’ll need to make three selections: If you haven’t used them before, tab stops are simply a way to align text with one click using the tab key on your keyboard. Open Paragraph Settings by clicking the icon circled in red above.